Heating technology in 43 keywords
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Heat reservoir
An item of technical equipment (container) which stores heat efficiently. The internal surface, which is in contact with drinking water, is often made of enamel, thus providing maximum hot water hygiene. Energy losses are minimal due to the excellent heat insulation.
Heating curve
The boiler temperature is adjusted relative to the outside temperature by means of the heating (or temperature) curve. A low outside temperature results in a high boiler temperature. The setting-up of the heating curve is very important for efficient heating operation and is precisely checked during a service.
Heat generator
An item of technical equipment, which transfers the heat of combustion to the heating water. It reduces the energy losses to a minimum by means of efficient heat exchangers and excellent heat insulation (condensing system and low-temperature system).
Heating boiler
An item of technical equipment which transfers the heat of combustion to the heating water. The latest generation of boilers reduce the energy losses to a minimum by means of efficient heat exchangers and excellent heat insulation.
Heat exchanger
An item of technical equipment which transfers the heat of combustion to the heating water. The heat exchanger is the main component in a boiler/heat generator and is a deciding factor in the efficiency.
Heating circuits
A system for supplying heat to radiators or floor-heating systems. These include the pipework, radiators or floor-heating system, and electrical pumps (circulating pumps).