Frequently Asked Questions

Is this item in stock?

Items that are in stock will ship out within 24-48 hours. You will be informed of the availability and the expexted lead time for the items that are not in stock.

Can I purchase items not listed on your site?

If you need an item that isn't on our website, please contact us over the phone or by email at for pricing and availability information. Please allow 2-3 days for pricing and availability quotes on these items.

Do you have a local distributor close to me that I can get it from?

Currently we only have a distribution center based in Faisalabad. All items will ship directly to you from our Faisalabad distribution center.

Do you ship internationally?

We can ship outside Pakistan. For more information about shipping outside Pakistan, please contact us.

Where is Combustion Controls located?

Combustion Controls office is located at Sargodha Road, Faisalabad. We also have an additional office at Main Samundri Road, Faisalabad.

Can I just pick up the order myself?

All items that are in stock at the time your order is placed can be picked up within 2 hours. For the items that are not in stock, you will get a separate email when they are ready for pickup.

Can I place an order outside of your office hours?

Urgent orders can be placed outside of our office hours by phone.